Monday, September 26, 2005

Holy Ghost Church

Last night three other Besson Pastors and I (Rob) went to Bethel Harvest church to experience an exciting pentecostal service and to hear famed preacher Rod Parsley. It was an exciting service that lasted for over two hours (at which point we went home to be with our families). For the most part I enjoyed Parsley's preaching except that at the root of all he said is what I believe is the false teaching of a prosperity gospel which believes one of God's major plans for his people is for them to be blessed financially as well as in other ways. At one point Parsley said, "How are we supposed to help the poor if we are poor ourselves?" At this comment one of my friends shouted out, "Sacrifice!" Parsley did talk, however, about the need for Christ followers to die (i.e. take up their cross). These remarks, however, were not cheered on by the crowd as the talk about blessing.

I can understand the appeal of this type of service and preaching. I was impressed that I was in the most integrated worship service (in terms of racial inclusiveness) in which I have ever worshipped. I was also impressed by the the sense that almost everyone in this room believed in God's power to change lives -- and they came expecting that God would act. Though I could critique many things about my experience last night -- I don't doubt that there was a tremendous faith in God's power, and an expectation that God would change lives. I hope one day to serve a church with this kind of fervent faith in what God can do. But, I hope our faith is not focused on what God can do for us, but what God will do through us.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Kentucky v.s. Florida

On Saturday, September 24th I attended the Kentucky v.s. Florida Game at Commonwealth Stadium. This picture was taken right before Kentucky scored in the first few minutes of the game to take the lead 7-0 over Florida. Following this score Florida proceeded to score 49 unanswered points in the first half which prompted one UK fan to state, "I don't think Rich Brooks will have a job tomorrow." Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

New Couch to be Added

Crystal, David and I wish to announce the anticipated arrival of a new Couch! Two weeks ago Crystal discovered she was pregnant! We went to the doctor this week and her pregnancy was confirmed. Because of Crystal's severe preeclampsia with David, the doctor is being aggressive in monitoring Crystal's pregnancy. We will visit the doctor more frequently, and Crystal will have more tests and ultrasounds along the way to monitor the baby's development. There is a 50% chance that Crystal will have preeclampsia again with this pregnancy. Careful monitoring will help keep the baby and Crystal more safe if preeclampsia strikes again.

Please be in prayer for us that Crystal will not have any complications. Also be praying now for her as she is suffering from pretty severe morning sickness. We are excited about this news, but please be in prayer for us.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Marcus Green Lectures

This week we had the awesome opportunity to have Marcus Green author of Salvation's Song come to inspire and lecture the Beeson Pastors. Marcus is from Wales in the United Kingdom. He is Vicar of St. Catherine's Church (Anglican) in Pontypridd, Wales. He is both the priest and worship leader of his church. He is also the chaplain to the most well-known Big Band in Britain. He is currently working on a Big Band worship album along with Tim Hughes (author of the song "Here I am to Worship"). A graduate of Oxford and Cambridge, Marcus shared with us a theological framework for worship being the chief goal of God's people. He primarily focused on the Greek word proskuneo which is often translated bow down. Marcus asserts it should almost always be translated as worship. Literally the word means "move toward with a kiss." At the giving of the law, before and ever since God's desire is that we worship him. Marcus says that at its heart sin is a worship problem. Since Eden people have not always chosen to worship God first. Ultimately Marcus believes the cross is about right worship. Jesus' work on the cross provides the avenue through which we can worship God in Spirit and in truth, and on the cross we see the most perfect form of worship -- the voluntary denial of self for the glory of God. In response we are to seek God's kingdom first as we live out his call to love God and love neighbor.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Trip to Gethsemani Abbey

Here is shot (another one) of the inside of the Abbey Church. The inside is very stark and modern looking --- though the church is quite old. At one time it was very Gothic in style. In the 50's they modernized the inside of the church. Posted by Picasa

Here is a good shot of the outside of the Abbey Church. In the foreground you see the plain white crosses which mark the graves of the monks. Posted by Picasa

This is a picture of Thomas Merton's grave. It is exactly the same as all of the other monks buried at Gethsemani. When he entered the seminary he took the name Louis (it is customary for the monks to take new names). He was ordained while a monk which is why he is Father Louis Merton and not Brother Louis Merton. Posted by Picasa

This is my room at the Abbey of Gethsemani. The men on our trip were able to stay in rooms similar to what the monks live in. They were pretty spartan and not air conditioned. Posted by Picasa

Some Observations on Gethsemani

The following is from my journal while at Gethsemani:
I am in prayer for the worldwid body of Christ. Being at Gethsemani has propelled me to be so. It is hard, coming from a United Methodist background with virtually no contact with monasticism, not to see this place as really odd. It is hard to believe that sixty men live in this place, wearing strange clothes, singing psalms, praying (at least) seven times a day, and making chocolate, fruitcake and cheese. The guestmast said that the basis of what they do comes from Acts chapter two. It is interesting how many ways people interperet how to live out the communal life of Acts chapter two. When we were watching the leadership summitt I was reminded that Willow Creek Community church bases their church on the second chapter of Acts two. I feel that the monks of Gethsemani and Bill Hybels' church seem worlds apart. I wonder if they are.

This was taken at the beginning of September during the Beeson Pastor's silent retreat to Gethsemani Abbey. It was the monastery of Thomas Merton and is the oldest Trappist Monastery in the country (since 1848). This is their sanctuary -- the "seats" you see are an anitphonal "choir loft" where the monks stand and sit while praying and singing the Psalter. Posted by Picasa

David likes to "climb" this tree which is right behind our apartment. You can also see his new haricut. Posted by Picasa

In August several of us ran a 5K. We are doing another one (the race for the cure) next month. Here are the folks from the Beeson Program who ran the Midsummer Night's 5K in Downtown Lexington. Back Row: Jeff Chandler, Rob Couch, Bill Kirkemo, Derrick Lemons. Front Row: Susan Chandler, Paula Lemons.  Posted by Picasa

This is Crystal, David and me after the race. The three of us completed the one-mile run earlier in the day. The temperature in the Central Kentucky area went over 100 degrees on the day of the race -- with very high humidity. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Cincinnatti Vineyard

We visited the Cincinnati Vineyard in September. We got to mee the current pastor Dave Workman and the founding pastgor Steve Sjogren. Here are some pictures of of Cincy Vineyard's Building.

Cincy Vineyard Food Court Posted by Picasa

Cincy Vineyard Food Court  Posted by Picasa

Cincy Vineyard Bookstore Posted by Picasa


Hello and welcome to my Blog. I am new to Blogging, so this is going to be lame for a little while. My plan is to upload pictures I take during my year at Asbury so folks and looks at what I've been up to, and what all I have seen. I will soon upload pictures of the Cincinnati Vineyar, the 5k I raced, and pictures from my week at the Abbey of Gethsemani. I hope you enjoy!

Saraland United Methodist Church