Monday, September 26, 2005

Holy Ghost Church

Last night three other Besson Pastors and I (Rob) went to Bethel Harvest church to experience an exciting pentecostal service and to hear famed preacher Rod Parsley. It was an exciting service that lasted for over two hours (at which point we went home to be with our families). For the most part I enjoyed Parsley's preaching except that at the root of all he said is what I believe is the false teaching of a prosperity gospel which believes one of God's major plans for his people is for them to be blessed financially as well as in other ways. At one point Parsley said, "How are we supposed to help the poor if we are poor ourselves?" At this comment one of my friends shouted out, "Sacrifice!" Parsley did talk, however, about the need for Christ followers to die (i.e. take up their cross). These remarks, however, were not cheered on by the crowd as the talk about blessing.

I can understand the appeal of this type of service and preaching. I was impressed that I was in the most integrated worship service (in terms of racial inclusiveness) in which I have ever worshipped. I was also impressed by the the sense that almost everyone in this room believed in God's power to change lives -- and they came expecting that God would act. Though I could critique many things about my experience last night -- I don't doubt that there was a tremendous faith in God's power, and an expectation that God would change lives. I hope one day to serve a church with this kind of fervent faith in what God can do. But, I hope our faith is not focused on what God can do for us, but what God will do through us.


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