Of Neighbors and Strangers
This pie was brought to us by one of our neighbors just yesterday. They are a young couple with two small children (something we have been praying for in our neighborhood). The picture, though good, does not do this pie justice. It is absolutely delicious. Even better, though, is the fact that it came from neighbors who wanted to meet us and welcome us. Suddenly we feel even more blessed to live in this house and in this neighborhood because of this act of kindness and hospitality. Unfortunately many people in America do not know their neighbors. The advent of clam-like garages with automatic doors, and fortified privacy fences in our back yards have largely cut us off from knowing or even seeing our neighbors. Sadly, though I have often thought I would like to, I have never baked a pie (or done anything else) to welcome new neighbors. The Lord, and now this pie, have inspired me to do better. Crystal and I soon plan to host a get to know our neigbors party for our street and some surrounding houses so that maybe, in our corner of the world, neighbors will no longer be strangers. We may even bake a pie.
if you're gonna put a pic like that up you need to include the recipe-or at least a your guess at the ingredients. what a yummy reminder to reach out to others!
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