Ethan Fox Couch
Ethan Fox Couch was born at 7:59 A.M. today. He weighed in at 7 lbs. 4 oz. and measured 19 inches. He and Crystal are both doing well. These are a couple of shots. One taken just a few minutes after he was born(above), and the close-up taken this afternoon(below). Thanks to everyone for their love, prayer, and support
Congrats!! Pretty cool feeling to hear him for the first time isnt it?
Congrats!! pretty cool hearing him for the first time inst it.
hey! That's a cutie y'all got there!! My daughter celebrates her 2nd birthday today and was born some hours later than Mr. E!!
He is beautiful! And we are so excited to have everyone come to Saraland. God bless you & your family.
concrats to you all!
Congrats!!! Another Couch enters the world! Glad to see so many prayers answered with a safe birth for mom and child!
Congratulations to all of you! I heard through the grapevine that there was a new baby - I didn't even know y'all were pregnant - then I did a Google search for "Rob Couch" and stumbled upon your blog! Scary how that works, no? I hope you are all doing well!
Love and miss you!
Congratulations to all of you! I heard through the grapevine that there was a new baby - I didn't even know y'all were pregnant - then I did a Google search for "Rob Couch" and stumbled upon your blog! Scary how that works, no? I hope you are all doing well!
Love and miss you!
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